Openholo  v5.0
Open Source Digital Holographic Library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CComplexClass for the complex number and its arithmetic. type T == type cplx type only float || double T real() : real number T imag() : imaginary number
 Civec2Structure for 2-dimensional integer vector and its arithmetic
 Civec3Structure for 3-dimensional integer vector and its arithmetic
 Civec4Structure for 4-dimensional integer vector and its arithmetic
 Cvec2Structure for 2-dimensional Real type vector and its arithmetic
 Cvec3Structure for 3-dimensional Real type vector and its arithmetic
 Cvec4Structure for 4-dimensional Real type vector and its arithmetic
 CLongFitsIntoSizeTMinusOne< false >
 CgeometricGeometrical relations
 COpenholoAbstract class
 CophCascadedPropagationCascaded propagation module
 CophDepthMapThis class generates CGH based on depth map
 COphDepthMapConfigConfiguration for Depth Map
 CophLFOpenholo Light Field based CGH generation
 COphMeshDataData for triangular mesh
 CophPointCloudOpenholo Point Cloud based Compter-generated holography
 COphPointCloudConfigConfiguration for Point Cloud
 COphPointCloudDataData for Point Cloud
 CophTriOpenholo Triangular Mesh based CGH generation
 CophWaveAberrationWave Aberration module
 COphWRPConfigConfiguration for WRP
 CTextMapTexture mapping parameters