Openholo  v5.0
Open Source Digital Holographic Library
ophSigPU Class Reference

#include <ophSigPU.h>

Inheritance diagram for ophSigPU:
Collaboration diagram for ophSigPU:

Public Member Functions

 ophSigPU (void)
bool setPUparam (int maxBoxRadius)
 Set parameters for Goldstein branchcut algorithm. More...
bool loadPhaseOriginal (const char *fname, int bitpixel)
 Load original wrapped phase data. More...
bool loadPhaseOriginal (void)
bool runPU (void)
 Run phase unwrapping algorithm. More...
bool savePhaseUnwrapped (const char *fname)
 Save the unwrapped phase data to image file. More...
bool readConfig (const char *fname)
 Read configure file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ophSig
 ophSig (void)
 Constructor. More...
bool load (const char *real, const char *imag)
 Load bmp or bin file. More...
bool save (const char *real, const char *imag)
 Save data as bmp or bin file. More...
bool save (const char *real)
bool loadAsOhc (const char *fname)
 Load data as ohc file. More...
bool saveAsOhc (const char *fname)
 Save data as ohc file. More...
template<typename T >
void linInterp (vector< T > &X, matrix< Complex< T >> &src, vector< T > &Xq, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst)
 Linear interpolation. More...
template<typename T >
vector< T > linspace (T first, T last, int len)
 Generate linearly spaced vector. More...
template<typename T >
void absMat (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< T > &dst)
 Function for extracts Complex absolute value. More...
template<typename T >
void absMat (matrix< T > &src, matrix< T > &dst)
 Function for extracts real absolute value. More...
template<typename T >
void angleMat (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< T > &dst)
 Function for extracts Complex phase value. More...
template<typename T >
void conjMat (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst)
 Function for extracts Complex conjugate value. More...
template<typename T >
void expMat (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst)
 Function for extracts exponent e(x), where x is complex number. More...
template<typename T >
void expMat (matrix< T > &src, matrix< T > &dst)
 Function for extracts exponent e(x), where x is real number. More...
template<typename T >
void meanOfMat (matrix< T > &src, T &dst)
 Function for extracts mean of matrix. More...
Real maxOfMat (matrix< Real > &src)
 Function for extracts maximum of matrix , where matrix is real number. More...
Complex< RealmaxOfMat (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src)
 Function for extracts maximum of matrix , where matrix is complex number. More...
Real minOfMat (matrix< Real > &src)
 Function for extracts minimum of matrix , where matrix is real number. More...
Complex< RealminOfMat (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src)
 Function for extracts minimum of matrix , where matrix is complex number. More...
void fftShift (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src, matrix< Complex< Real >> &dst)
 Shift zero-frequency component to center of spectrum. More...
template<typename T >
void fft1 (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE)
 Function for Fast Fourier transform 1D. More...
template<typename T >
void fft2 (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE)
 Function for Fast Fourier transform 2D. More...
bool readConfig (const char *fname)
 Function for Read parameter. More...
void Parameter_Set (int nx, int ny, double width, double height, double NA)
void wavelength_Set (double wavelength)
void focal_length_Set (double red, double green, double blue, double rad)
void Data_output (uchar *data, int pos, int bitpixel)
void Wavenumber_output (int &wavenumber)
bool sigConvertOffaxis (Real angleX, Real angleY)
 Function for Convert complex hologram to off-axis hologram. More...
bool cvtOffaxis_CPU (Real angleX, Real angleY)
void cvtOffaxis_GPU (Real angleX, Real angleY)
bool sigConvertHPO (Real depth, Real_t redRate)
 Function for convert complex hologram to horizontal parallax only hologram. More...
bool sigConvertCAC (double red, double green, double blue)
 Function for Chromatic aberration compensation filter. More...
bool propagationHolo (float depth)
 Function for propagation hologram (class data) More...
OphComplexField propagationHolo (OphComplexField complexH, float depth)
 Function for propagation hologram. More...
double sigGetParamAT ()
 Extraction of distance parameter using axis transfomation. More...
double sigGetParamSF (float zMax, float zMin, int sampN, float th)
 Extraction of distance parameter using sharpness functions. More...
void setMode (bool is_CPU)
 Function for select device. More...
void cField2Buffer (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src, Complex< Real > **dst, int nx, int ny)
 Function for move data from matrix<Complex<Real>> to Complex<Real> More...
void ColorField2Buffer (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src, Complex< Real > **dst, int nx, int ny)
 Function for move Color data from matrix<Complex<Real>> to Complex<Real> More...
bool getComplexHFromPSDH (const char *fname0, const char *fname90, const char *fname180, const char *fname270)
 Extraction of complex field from 4 phase shifted interference patterns. More...
bool getComplexHFrom3ArbStepPSDH (const char *f0, const char *f1, const char *f2, const char *fOI, const char *fRI, int nIter)
 Extraction of complex field from 3 phase shifted interference patterns with arbitrary unknown shifts. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Openholo
 Openholo (void)
 Constructor. More...
virtual bool saveAsImg (const char *fname, uint8_t bitsperpixel, uchar *src, int width, int height)
 Function for creating image files. More...
virtual ucharloadAsImg (const char *fname)
 Function for loading image files. More...
Complex< Real > ** getComplexField (void)
 Function for getting the complex field. More...
OphConfiggetContext (void)
 Function for getting the current context. More...
ImageConfiggetImageConfig ()
 Function for getting the image config. More...
void setPixelNumber (ivec2 n)
 Function for setting the output resolution. More...
void setPixelNumber (int width, int height)
void setPixelPitch (vec2 p)
 Function for setting the output pixel pitch. More...
void setPixelPitch (Real pitchX, Real pitchY)
void setWaveLength (Real w, const uint idx=0)
 Function for setting the wave length. More...
void setWaveNum (int num)
 Function for setting the wave number. More...
void setOffset (ivec2 offset)
 Function for setting the offset. More...
void setImageMerge (bool merge)
 Function for setting the image merge(true or false) More...
void setImageRotate (bool rotate)
 Function for setting the image rotate(true or false) More...
void setImageFlip (int flip)
 Function for setting the image flip. More...
void setMaxThreadNum (int num)
 Function for setting the max thread num. More...
int getMaxThreadNum ()
 Function for getting the max thread num. More...
bool mergeColor (int idx, int width, int height, uchar *src, uchar *dst)
 Function for generate RGB image from each grayscale image. More...
bool separateColor (int idx, int width, int height, uchar *src, uchar *dst)
 Function for generate each grayscale image from RGB image. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Base
 Base (void)
 Constructor. More...
unsigned long addRef (void)
 If referenced this(Base's child, not abstract class) instance, must call this method. More...
unsigned long release (void)
 Call release() when reference is finished. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~ophSigPU (void)=default
void phaseResidues (matrix< Real > &outputResidue)
void branchCuts (matrix< Real > &inputResidue, matrix< Real > &outputBranchCuts)
void placeBranchCutsInternal (matrix< Real > &branchCuts, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2)
void floodFill (matrix< Real > &inputBranchCuts)
double unwrap (double phaseRef, double phaseInput)
double mod2pi (double phase)
void findNZ (matrix< int > &inputMatrix, vector< int > &row, vector< int > &col)
int matrixPartialSum (matrix< int > &inputMatrix, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ophSig
virtual ~ophSig (void)=default
virtual void ophFree (void)
 Pure virtual function for override in child classes. More...
bool sigConvertOffaxis_CPU (Real angleX, Real angleY)
 Function for Convert complex hologram to off-axis hologram by using CPU. More...
bool sigConvertOffaxis_GPU (Real angleX, Real angleY)
 Function for Convert complex hologram to off-axis hologram by using GPU. More...
bool sigConvertHPO_CPU (Real depth, Real_t redRate)
 Function for convert complex hologram to horizontal parallax only hologram by using CPU. More...
bool sigConvertHPO_GPU (Real depth, Real_t redRate)
 Function for convert complex hologram to horizontal parallax only hologram by using GPU. More...
bool sigConvertCAC_CPU (double red, double green, double blue)
 Function for Chromatic aberration compensation filter by using CPU . More...
bool sigConvertCAC_GPU (double red, double green, double blue)
 Function for Chromatic aberration compensation filter by using GPU. More...
double sigGetParamAT_CPU ()
 Extraction of distance parameter using axis transfomation by using CPU. More...
double sigGetParamAT_GPU ()
 Extraction of distance parameter using axis transfomation by using GPU. More...
double sigGetParamSF_CPU (float zMax, float zMin, int sampN, float th)
 Extraction of distance parameter using sharpness functions by using CPU. More...
double sigGetParamSF_GPU (float zMax, float zMin, int sampN, float th)
 Extraction of distance parameter using sharpness functions by using GPU. More...
bool propagationHolo_CPU (float depth)
 Function for propagation hologram by using CPU. More...
bool propagationHolo_GPU (float depth)
 Function for propagation hologram by using GPU. More...
bool Color_propagationHolo_GPU (float depth)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Openholo
virtual ~Openholo (void)=0
 Destructor. More...
bool checkExtension (const char *fname, const char *ext)
 Functions for extension checking. More...
bool loadAsImgUpSideDown (const char *fname, uchar *dst)
 Function for loading image files | Output image data upside down. More...
bool getImgSize (int &w, int &h, int &bytesperpixel, const char *fname)
 Function for getting the image size. More...
void imgScaleBilinear (uchar *src, uchar *dst, int w, int h, int neww, int newh, int channels=1)
 Function for change image size. More...
void convertToFormatGray8 (uchar *src, uchar *dst, int w, int h, int bytesperpixel)
 Function for convert image format to gray8. More...
void fft1 (int n, Complex< Real > *in, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE)
 Functions for performing fftw 1-dimension operations inside Openholo. More...
void fft2 (ivec2 n, Complex< Real > *in, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE)
 Functions for performing fftw 2-dimension operations inside Openholo. More...
void fft3 (ivec3 n, Complex< Real > *in, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE)
 Functions for performing fftw 3-dimension operations inside Openholo. More...
void fftExecute (Complex< Real > *out, bool bReverse=false)
 Execution functions to be called after fft1, fft2, and fft3. More...
void fftFree (void)
 Resource release method. More...
void fftInit2D (ivec2 size, int sign, unsigned int flag)
 initialize method for 2D FFT More...
void fft2 (Complex< Real > *src, Complex< Real > *dst, int nx, int ny, int type, bool bNormalized=false, bool bShift=true)
 Convert data from the spatial domain to the frequency domain using 2D FFT on CPU. More...
void fftShift (int nx, int ny, Complex< Real > *input, Complex< Real > *output)
 Swap the top-left quadrant of data with the bottom-right , and the top-right quadrant with the bottom-left. More...
void setPixelNumberOHC (const ivec2 pixel_number)
 getter/setter for OHC file read and write More...
void setPixelPitchOHC (const vec2 pixel_pitch)
void setWavelengthOHC (const Real wavelength, const LenUnit wavelength_unit)
void setWaveLengthNumOHC (const uint wavelength_num)
void setColorTypeOHC (const ColorType color_type)
void setColorArrangeOHC (const ColorArran color_arrange)
void setWaveLengthUnitOHC (const LenUnit length_unit)
void setFieldEncodingOHC (const FldStore field_store, const FldCodeType field_code_type)
void setPhaseEncodingOHC (const BPhaseCode phase_code, const vec2 phase_code_range)
void addWaveLengthNComplexFieldDataOHC (const Real wavelength, const OphComplexField &complex_field)
 Function to add ComplexField when adding wavelength data. More...
void addWaveLengthOHC (const Real wavelength)
void addComplexFieldDataOHC (const OphComplexField &complex_field)
void getPixelNumberOHC (ivec2 &pixel_number)
void getPixelPitchOHC (vec2 &pixel_pitch)
void getWavelengthOHC (vector< Real > &wavelength)
void getWaveLengthNumOHC (uint &wavelength_num)
void getColorTypeOHC (ColorType &color_type)
void getColorArrangeOHC (ColorArran &color_arrange)
void getWaveLengthUnitOHC (LenUnit &length_unit)
void getComplexFieldDataOHC (Complex< Real > **cmplx, uint wavelen_idx)
void getComplexFieldDataOHC (OphComplexField &cmplx, uint wavelen_idx)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Base
virtual ~Base (void)
 Destructor. More...

Protected Attributes

int MaxBoxRadius
int Nr
int Nc
matrix< RealPhaseOriginal
matrix< RealPhaseUnwrapped
- Protected Attributes inherited from ophSig
bool is_CPU
ophSigConfig _cfgSig
fftw_plan bwd_plan
fftw_plan fwd_plan
int _wavelength_num
Real_t _radius
Real_t _foc [3]
- Protected Attributes inherited from Openholo
OphConfig context_
ResolutionConfig resCfg
ImageConfig imgCfg
Complex< Real > ** complex_H
 OHC file format Variables for read and write. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Base
unsigned long refCnt

Detailed Description


Definition at line 26 of file ophSigPU.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ophSigPU()

ophSigPU::ophSigPU ( void  )

Definition at line 3 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ ~ophSigPU()

virtual ophSigPU::~ophSigPU ( void  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ branchCuts()

void ophSigPU::branchCuts ( matrix< Real > &  inputResidue,
matrix< Real > &  outputBranchCuts 

Definition at line 309 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ findNZ()

void ophSigPU::findNZ ( matrix< int > &  inputMatrix,
vector< int > &  row,
vector< int > &  col 

Definition at line 743 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ floodFill()

void ophSigPU::floodFill ( matrix< Real > &  inputBranchCuts)

Definition at line 523 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ loadPhaseOriginal() [1/2]

bool ophSigPU::loadPhaseOriginal ( const char *  fname,
int  bitpixel 

Load original wrapped phase data.

fname: image file name of wrapped phase data
bitpixel: the number of bits per pixel in the image file

Definition at line 14 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ loadPhaseOriginal() [2/2]

bool ophSigPU::loadPhaseOriginal ( void  )

Definition at line 172 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ matrixPartialSum()

int ophSigPU::matrixPartialSum ( matrix< int > &  inputMatrix,
int  r1,
int  c1,
int  r2,
int  c2 

Definition at line 760 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ mod2pi()

double ophSigPU::mod2pi ( double  phase)

Definition at line 728 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ phaseResidues()

void ophSigPU::phaseResidues ( matrix< Real > &  outputResidue)

Definition at line 240 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ placeBranchCutsInternal()

void ophSigPU::placeBranchCutsInternal ( matrix< Real > &  branchCuts,
int  r1,
int  c1,
int  r2,
int  c2 

Definition at line 493 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ readConfig()

bool ophSigPU::readConfig ( const char *  fname)

Read configure file.

fname: configure file name

Definition at line 235 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ runPU()

bool ophSigPU::runPU ( void  )

Run phase unwrapping algorithm.

Definition at line 177 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ savePhaseUnwrapped()

bool ophSigPU::savePhaseUnwrapped ( const char *  fname)

Save the unwrapped phase data to image file.

fname: image file name where the unwrapped phase data will be stored

Definition at line 198 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ setPUparam()

bool ophSigPU::setPUparam ( int  maxBoxRadius)

Set parameters for Goldstein branchcut algorithm.

maxBoxRadius: maximum box radius for neighboring residue search

Definition at line 8 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

◆ unwrap()

double ophSigPU::unwrap ( double  phaseRef,
double  phaseInput 

Definition at line 721 of file ophSigPU.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ MaxBoxRadius

int ophSigPU::MaxBoxRadius

Definition at line 78 of file ophSigPU.h.

◆ Nc

int ophSigPU::Nc

Definition at line 80 of file ophSigPU.h.

◆ Nr

int ophSigPU::Nr

Definition at line 79 of file ophSigPU.h.

◆ PhaseOriginal

matrix<Real> ophSigPU::PhaseOriginal

Definition at line 81 of file ophSigPU.h.

◆ PhaseUnwrapped

matrix<Real> ophSigPU::PhaseUnwrapped

Definition at line 82 of file ophSigPU.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: