Openholo  v5.0
Open Source Digital Holographic Library
Openholo library Documentation


OpenHolo is an open source library which contains algorithms and their software implementation for generation of holograms to be applied in various fields. The goal behind the library development is facilitating production of digital holographic contents and expanding the area of their application. The developed by us open source library is a tool for computer generation of holograms, simulations and signal processing at various formats of 3D input data and properties of the 3D displays. Based on this, we want to lay the foundation for commercializing digital holographic service in various fields.


Generation Hologram - Point Cloud Example

: Implementation of the hologram generation method using point cloud data.

#include "ophPointCloud.h"
ophPointCloud* Hologram = new ophPointCloud(); // Create ophPointCloud instance
Hologram->readConfig("config/TestSpecPointCloud.xml"); // Read Config Parameters for Point Cloud CGH
Hologram->loadPointCloud("source/PointCloud/TestPointCloud_Plane.ply"); // Load Point Cloud Data(*.PLY)
Hologram->SetMode(MODE_GPU); // Select CPU or GPU Processing
Hologram->generateHologram(PC_DIFF_RS); // Select R-S diffraction or Fresnel diffraction
Hologram->saveAsOhc("result/PointCloud/Result_PointCloudSample_Plane.ohc"); // Save to ohc(Openholo complex field file format)
Hologram->encoding(Hologram->ENCODE_PHASE); // Encode Complex Field to Real Field
Hologram->normalize(); // Normalize Real Field to unsigned char(0~255) for save to image(*.BMP)
Hologram->save("result/PointCloud/Result_PointCloudSample_Plane.bmp"); // Save to bmp
Hologram->release(); // Release memory used to Generate Point Cloud
PointCloud based CGH Example

Generation Hologram - Depth Map Example.

: Implementation of the hologram generation method using depth map data.

#include "ophDepthMap.h"
ophDepthMap* Hologram = new ophDepthMap(); // Create ophDepthMap instance
Hologram->readConfig("config/TestSpecDepthMap.xml"); // Read Config Parameters for Depth Map CGH
Hologram->readImageDepth("source/DepthMap", "RGB_D", "D_D"); // Load Depth and RGB image
Hologram->SetMode(MODE_GPU); // Select CPU or GPU Processing
Hologram->generateHologram(); // CGH by depth map
Hologram->saveAsOhc("result/DepthMap/Result_DepthmapSample.ohc"); // Save to ohc(Openholo complex field file format)
Hologram->encodeHologram(); // Encode Complex Field to Real Field
Hologram->normalize(); // Normalize Real Field to unsigned char(0~255) for save to image(*.BMP)
Hologram->save("result/DepthMap/Result_DepthmapSample.bmp"); // Save to bmp
Hologram->release(); // Release memory used to Generate DepthMap
DepthMap based CGH Example

Generation Hologram - Triangle Mesh Example

#include "ophTriMesh.h"
ophTri* Hologram = new ophTri();
// Load
Hologram->readConfig("config/TestSpecMesh.xml"); // Read the Mesh hologram configuration file
Hologram->loadMeshData("source/TriMesh/mesh_teapot.ply", "ply"); // Read the Meshed object data
// Generate
Hologram->generateHologram(Hologram->SHADING_FLAT); // Generate the hologram
// Save as Complex Field Data
Hologram->saveAsOhc("result/TriMesh/Mesh_complexField.ohc"); // Save the hologram complex field data
// Encode
Hologram->encoding(Hologram->ENCODE_SIMPLENI); // Encode the hologram
// Save as Encoded Image
Hologram->normalize(); // Normalize the encoded hologram to generate image file
ivec2 m_vecEncodeSize = Hologram->getEncodeSize(); // Get encoded hologram size
8, nullptr, m_vecEncodeSize[_X], m_vecEncodeSize[_Y]); // Save the encoded hologram image
Hologram->release(); // Release memory used to Generate Triangle Mesh
Triangle Mesh based CGH Example

Generation Hologram - Light Field Example

#include "ophLightField.h"
ophLF* Hologram = new ophLF();
// Load
Hologram->readConfig("config/TestSpecLF.xml"); // Read the LF hologram configuration file
Hologram->loadLF("source/LightField/sample_orthographic_images_5x5", "bmp");// Load the Light field source image files
// Generate
Hologram->generateHologram(); // Generate the hologram
// Save as Complex field data
Hologram->saveAsOhc("result/LightField/LF_complexField.ohc"); // Save the hologram complex field data
// Encode
Hologram->encoding(Hologram->ENCODE_PHASE); // Encode the hologram
// Save as Encoded Image
Hologram->normalize(); // Normalize the encoded hologram to generate image file
ivec2 m_vecEncodeSize = Hologram->getEncodeSize(); // Get encoded hologram size
8, nullptr, m_vecEncodeSize[_X], m_vecEncodeSize[_Y]); // Save the encoded hologram image
Hologram->release(); // Release memory used to Generate Light Field
LightField based CGH Example

Generation Hologram - Wavefront Recording Plane(WRP) Example

#include "ophWRP.h"
ophWRP* Hologram = new ophWRP(); // ophWRP instance
Hologram->readConfig("config/TestSpecWRP.xml"); // Read Config Parameters for Point Cloud CGH based WRP algorism
Hologram->loadPointCloud("source/WRP/TestPointCloud_WRP.ply"); // Load Point Cloud Data(*.PLY)
Hologram->generateHologram(); // CGH from WRP
Hologram->saveAsOhc("result/LightField/LF_complexField.ohc"); // Save the hologram complex field data
Hologram->encoding(Hologram->ENCODE_PHASE); // Encode Complex Field to Real Field
Hologram->normalize(); //Normalize Real Field to unsigned char(0~255) for save to image(*.BMP)
Hologram->save("result/WRP/Result_WRP.bmp"); // Save to bmp
Hologram->release(); // Release memory used to Generate Point Cloud

Wave Aberration Example

wa->readConfig("config/TestSpecAberration.xml"); // reads parameters from a configuration file
wa->accumulateZernikePolynomial(); // generates 2D complex data array of wave aberration according to parameters
wa->saveAsOhc("result/WaveAberration/aberration.ohc"); // save hologram complex field to .ohc

Cascaded Propagation Example

ophCascadedPropagation* pCp = new ophCascadedPropagation(L"config/TestSpecCascadedPropagation.xml"); // ophCascadedPropagation instance generation and parameter setup
if (pCp->isReadyToPropagate() // check if all the input are ready
&& pCp->propagateSlmToPupil() // 1st propagation: from SLM to pupil
&& pCp->propagatePupilToRetina()) // 2nd propagation: from pupil to retina
pCp->save(L"result/CascadedPropagation/intensityRGB.bmp", pCp->getNumColors() * 8); // save numerical reconstruction result in BMP format
pCp->saveAsOhc("result/CascadedPropagation/intensityRGB"); // save the hologram complex field

Hologram signal processing - Off-axis hologram transform Example

#include "ophSig.h"
ophSig *holo = new ophSig(); //Declaration ophSig class
if (!holo->readConfig("config/holoParam.xml")) { //Read parameter
// no file
return false;
if (!holo->load("source/OffAxis/3_point_re.bmp", //Load hologram data
"source/OffAxis/3_point_im.bmp", 8)) {
// no file
return false;
holo->sigConvertOffaxis(); //Run Convert Offaxis function
holo->save("result/OffAxis/Off_axis.bmp", 8); //Save hologram data for bmp file
holo->saveAsOhc("result/OffAxis/Off_axis.ohc"); //Save hologram complex field to ohc file format
holo->release(); //Release memory
Signal processing Off-axis Example

Hologram signal processing - CAC transform Example

#include "ophSig.h"
ophSig *holo = new ophSig(); //Declaration ophSig class
if (!holo->readConfig("config/holoParam.xml")) { //Read parameter
// no file
return false;
if (!holo->load("source/CAC/ColorPoint_re.bmp", //Load hologram data
"source/CAC/ColorPoint_im.bmp", 24)) {
// no file
return false;
holo->sigConvertCAC(0.000000633, 0.000000532, 0.000000473); //Run convert chromatic aberration compensation
holo->save("result/CAC/CAC_re_C.bin", //Save hologram data for bmp file
"result/CAC/CAC_im_C.bin", 24);
holo->saveAsOhc("result/CAC/CAC.ohc"); //Save hologram complex field to ohc file format
holo->release(); //Release memory
Signal processing CAC Example

Hologram signal processing - HPO transform Example

#include "ophSig.h"
ophSig *holo = new ophSig(); //Declaration ophSig class
if (!holo->readConfig("config/holoParam.xml")) { //Read hologram parameter
// no file
return false;
if (!holo->load("source/HPO/3_point_re.bmp", //Load hologram data
"source/HPO/3_point_im.bmp", 8)) {
// no file
return false;
holo->sigConvertHPO(); //Run convert horizontal parallax only hologram
holo->save("result/HPO/HPO_re.bmp", //Save hologram data for bmp file
"result/HPO/HPO_im.bmp", 8);
holo->saveAsOhc("result/HPO/HPO.ohc"); //Save hologram complex field to ohc file format
holo->release(); //Release memory
Signal processing HPO Example

Hologram signal processing - get parameter using axis transformation Example

#include "ophSig.h"
ophSig* holo = new ophSig(); //Declaration ophSig class
float depth = 0;
if (!holo->readConfig("config/holoParam.xml")) { //Read hologram parameter
// no file
return false;
if (!holo->load("source/AT/0.1point_re.bmp", //Load hologram data
"source/AT/0.1point_im.bmp", 8)) {
// no file
return false;
depth = holo->sigGetParamAT(); //Get parameter using axis transformation
std::cout << depth << endl;
holo->propagationHolo(-depth); //Backpropagation
holo->save("result/AT/AT_re.bmp", //Save hologram data for bmp file
"result/AT/AT_im.bmp", 8);
holo->saveAsOhc("result/AT/AT.ohc"); //Save hologram complex field to ohc file format
holo->release(); //Release memory
Signal processing AT Example

Hologram signal processing - get parameter using SF Example

#include "ophSig.h"
ophSig* holo = new ophSig(); //Declaration ophSig class
float depth = 0;
if (!holo->readConfig("config/holoParam.xml")) { //Read hologram parameter
// no file
return false;
if (!holo->load("source/SF/3_point_re.bmp", //Load hologram data
"source/SF/3_point_im.bmp", 8)) {
// no file
return false;
depth = holo->sigGetParamSF(10, -10, 100, 0.3); //Get parameter using sharpness function
std::cout << depth << endl;
holo->propagationHolo(depth); //Backpropagation
holo->save("result/SF/SF_re.bmp", //Save hologram data for bmp file
"result/SF/SF_im.bmp", 8);
holo->saveAsOhc("result/SF/SF.ohc"); //Save hologram complex field to ohc file format
holo->release(); //Release memory
Signal processing SF Example

Hologram signal processing - get parameter using Phase Shift Digital Hologram Example

#include "ophSig.h"
ophSig *holo = new ophSig();
const char *f0 = "source/PhaseShiftedHolograms/0930_005_gray.bmp"; // image file name of interference pattern with reference wave phase 0 degree
const char *f90 = "source/PhaseShiftedHolograms/0930_006_gray.bmp"; // image file name of interference pattern with reference wave phase 90 degree
const char *f180 = "source/PhaseShiftedHolograms/0930_007_gray.bmp"; // image file name of interference pattern with reference wave phase 180 degree
const char *f270 = "source/PhaseShiftedHolograms/0930_008_gray.bmp"; // image file name of interference pattern with reference wave phase 270 degree
holo->getComplexHFromPSDH(f0, f90, f180, f270); // extract complex field from 4 interference patterns
holo->save("result/PhaseShift/PSDH_re_C.bmp", // save real and imaginary part of the complex field
"result/PhaseShift/PSDH_im_C.bmp", 8);
holo->saveAsOhc("result/PhaseShift/PSDH.ohc"); //Save hologram complex field to ohc file format
Phase shifting digital hologram Example

Hologram signal processing - get parameter using Phase Unwrapping Example

#include "ophSigPU.h"
ophSigPU *holo = new ophSigPU;
if (!holo->loadPhaseOriginal("source/PhaseUnwrapping/phase_unwrapping_example.bmp", 8)) { // load wrapped phase image file
return false;
int maxBoxRadius = 4; // set parameter for Goldstein phase unwrapping
holo->runPU(); // Unwrap phase
holo->savePhaseUnwrapped("result/PhaseUnwrapping/PU_Test.bmp"); // save unwrapped phase to image file
holo->saveAsOhc("result/PhaseUnwrapping/PU.ohc"); //Save hologram complex field to ohc file format
Phase Unwrapping Example

Hologram signal processing - get parameter using Compressive Holography Example

#include "ophSigCH.h"
ophSigCH *holo = new ophSigCH;
if (!holo->readConfig("config/TestSpecCH.xml")) { // read configure file for compressed holography
return false;
if (!holo->loadCHtemp("source/CompressiveHolo/sampleComplexH_re.bmp", // load complex field data (real part and imaginary part)
"source/CompressiveHolo/sampleComplexH_im.bmp", 8)) {
return false;
holo->runCH(0); // do compressive holographic reconstruction
holo->saveNumRec("result/CompressiveHolo/CH_Test.bmp"); // save numerical reconstructions after compressive holography to image files.
Index will be appended for each reconstruction distance.
holo->saveAsOhc("result/PhaseUnwrapping/PU.ohc"); //Save hologram complex field to ohc file format
Compressive Holography Example