| ophSigPU (void) |
bool | setPUparam (int maxBoxRadius) |
| Set parameters for Goldstein branchcut algorithm. More...
bool | loadPhaseOriginal (const char *fname, int bitpixel) |
| Load original wrapped phase data. More...
bool | loadPhaseOriginal (void) |
bool | runPU (void) |
| Run phase unwrapping algorithm. More...
bool | savePhaseUnwrapped (const char *fname) |
| Save the unwrapped phase data to image file. More...
bool | readConfig (const char *fname) |
| Read configure file. More...
| ophSig (void) |
| Constructor. More...
bool | load (const char *real, const char *imag) |
| Load bmp or bin file. More...
bool | save (const char *real, const char *imag) |
| Save data as bmp or bin file. More...
bool | save (const char *real) |
bool | loadAsOhc (const char *fname) |
| Load data as ohc file. More...
bool | saveAsOhc (const char *fname) |
| Save data as ohc file. More...
template<typename T > |
void | linInterp (vector< T > &X, matrix< Complex< T >> &src, vector< T > &Xq, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst) |
| Linear interpolation. More...
template<typename T > |
vector< T > | linspace (T first, T last, int len) |
| Generate linearly spaced vector. More...
template<typename T > |
void | absMat (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< T > &dst) |
| Function for extracts Complex absolute value. More...
template<typename T > |
void | absMat (matrix< T > &src, matrix< T > &dst) |
| Function for extracts real absolute value. More...
template<typename T > |
void | angleMat (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< T > &dst) |
| Function for extracts Complex phase value. More...
template<typename T > |
void | conjMat (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst) |
| Function for extracts Complex conjugate value. More...
template<typename T > |
void | expMat (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst) |
| Function for extracts exponent e(x), where x is complex number. More...
template<typename T > |
void | expMat (matrix< T > &src, matrix< T > &dst) |
| Function for extracts exponent e(x), where x is real number. More...
template<typename T > |
void | meanOfMat (matrix< T > &src, T &dst) |
| Function for extracts mean of matrix. More...
Real | maxOfMat (matrix< Real > &src) |
| Function for extracts maximum of matrix , where matrix is real number. More...
Complex< Real > | maxOfMat (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src) |
| Function for extracts maximum of matrix , where matrix is complex number. More...
Real | minOfMat (matrix< Real > &src) |
| Function for extracts minimum of matrix , where matrix is real number. More...
Complex< Real > | minOfMat (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src) |
| Function for extracts minimum of matrix , where matrix is complex number. More...
void | fftShift (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src, matrix< Complex< Real >> &dst) |
| Shift zero-frequency component to center of spectrum. More...
template<typename T > |
void | fft1 (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE) |
| Function for Fast Fourier transform 1D. More...
template<typename T > |
void | fft2 (matrix< Complex< T >> &src, matrix< Complex< T >> &dst, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE) |
| Function for Fast Fourier transform 2D. More...
bool | readConfig (const char *fname) |
| Function for Read parameter. More...
void | Parameter_Set (int nx, int ny, double width, double height, double NA) |
void | wavelength_Set (double wavelength) |
void | focal_length_Set (double red, double green, double blue, double rad) |
void | Data_output (uchar *data, int pos, int bitpixel) |
void | Wavenumber_output (int &wavenumber) |
bool | sigConvertOffaxis (Real angleX, Real angleY) |
| Function for Convert complex hologram to off-axis hologram. More...
bool | cvtOffaxis_CPU (Real angleX, Real angleY) |
void | cvtOffaxis_GPU (Real angleX, Real angleY) |
bool | sigConvertHPO (Real depth, Real_t redRate) |
| Function for convert complex hologram to horizontal parallax only hologram. More...
bool | sigConvertCAC (double red, double green, double blue) |
| Function for Chromatic aberration compensation filter. More...
bool | propagationHolo (float depth) |
| Function for propagation hologram (class data) More...
OphComplexField | propagationHolo (OphComplexField complexH, float depth) |
| Function for propagation hologram. More...
double | sigGetParamAT () |
| Extraction of distance parameter using axis transfomation. More...
double | sigGetParamSF (float zMax, float zMin, int sampN, float th) |
| Extraction of distance parameter using sharpness functions. More...
void | setMode (bool is_CPU) |
| Function for select device. More...
void | cField2Buffer (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src, Complex< Real > **dst, int nx, int ny) |
| Function for move data from matrix<Complex<Real>> to Complex<Real> More...
void | ColorField2Buffer (matrix< Complex< Real >> &src, Complex< Real > **dst, int nx, int ny) |
| Function for move Color data from matrix<Complex<Real>> to Complex<Real> More...
bool | getComplexHFromPSDH (const char *fname0, const char *fname90, const char *fname180, const char *fname270) |
| Extraction of complex field from 4 phase shifted interference patterns. More...
bool | getComplexHFrom3ArbStepPSDH (const char *f0, const char *f1, const char *f2, const char *fOI, const char *fRI, int nIter) |
| Extraction of complex field from 3 phase shifted interference patterns with arbitrary unknown shifts. More...
| Openholo (void) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual bool | saveAsImg (const char *fname, uint8_t bitsperpixel, uchar *src, int width, int height) |
| Function for creating image files. More...
virtual uchar * | loadAsImg (const char *fname) |
| Function for loading image files. More...
Complex< Real > ** | getComplexField (void) |
| Function for getting the complex field. More...
OphConfig & | getContext (void) |
| Function for getting the current context. More...
ImageConfig & | getImageConfig () |
| Function for getting the image config. More...
void | setPixelNumber (ivec2 n) |
| Function for setting the output resolution. More...
void | setPixelNumber (int width, int height) |
void | setPixelPitch (vec2 p) |
| Function for setting the output pixel pitch. More...
void | setPixelPitch (Real pitchX, Real pitchY) |
void | setWaveLength (Real w, const uint idx=0) |
| Function for setting the wave length. More...
void | setWaveNum (int num) |
| Function for setting the wave number. More...
void | setOffset (ivec2 offset) |
| Function for setting the offset. More...
void | setImageMerge (bool merge) |
| Function for setting the image merge(true or false) More...
void | setImageRotate (bool rotate) |
| Function for setting the image rotate(true or false) More...
void | setImageFlip (int flip) |
| Function for setting the image flip. More...
void | setMaxThreadNum (int num) |
| Function for setting the max thread num. More...
int | getMaxThreadNum () |
| Function for getting the max thread num. More...
bool | mergeColor (int idx, int width, int height, uchar *src, uchar *dst) |
| Function for generate RGB image from each grayscale image. More...
bool | separateColor (int idx, int width, int height, uchar *src, uchar *dst) |
| Function for generate each grayscale image from RGB image. More...
| Base (void) |
| Constructor. More...
unsigned long | addRef (void) |
| If referenced this(Base's child, not abstract class) instance, must call this method. More...
unsigned long | release (void) |
| Call release() when reference is finished. More...
virtual | ~ophSigPU (void)=default |
void | phaseResidues (matrix< Real > &outputResidue) |
void | branchCuts (matrix< Real > &inputResidue, matrix< Real > &outputBranchCuts) |
void | placeBranchCutsInternal (matrix< Real > &branchCuts, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) |
void | floodFill (matrix< Real > &inputBranchCuts) |
double | unwrap (double phaseRef, double phaseInput) |
double | mod2pi (double phase) |
void | findNZ (matrix< int > &inputMatrix, vector< int > &row, vector< int > &col) |
int | matrixPartialSum (matrix< int > &inputMatrix, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) |
virtual | ~ophSig (void)=default |
virtual void | ophFree (void) |
| Pure virtual function for override in child classes. More...
bool | sigConvertOffaxis_CPU (Real angleX, Real angleY) |
| Function for Convert complex hologram to off-axis hologram by using CPU. More...
bool | sigConvertOffaxis_GPU (Real angleX, Real angleY) |
| Function for Convert complex hologram to off-axis hologram by using GPU. More...
bool | sigConvertHPO_CPU (Real depth, Real_t redRate) |
| Function for convert complex hologram to horizontal parallax only hologram by using CPU. More...
bool | sigConvertHPO_GPU (Real depth, Real_t redRate) |
| Function for convert complex hologram to horizontal parallax only hologram by using GPU. More...
bool | sigConvertCAC_CPU (double red, double green, double blue) |
| Function for Chromatic aberration compensation filter by using CPU . More...
bool | sigConvertCAC_GPU (double red, double green, double blue) |
| Function for Chromatic aberration compensation filter by using GPU. More...
double | sigGetParamAT_CPU () |
| Extraction of distance parameter using axis transfomation by using CPU. More...
double | sigGetParamAT_GPU () |
| Extraction of distance parameter using axis transfomation by using GPU. More...
double | sigGetParamSF_CPU (float zMax, float zMin, int sampN, float th) |
| Extraction of distance parameter using sharpness functions by using CPU. More...
double | sigGetParamSF_GPU (float zMax, float zMin, int sampN, float th) |
| Extraction of distance parameter using sharpness functions by using GPU. More...
bool | propagationHolo_CPU (float depth) |
| Function for propagation hologram by using CPU. More...
bool | propagationHolo_GPU (float depth) |
| Function for propagation hologram by using GPU. More...
bool | Color_propagationHolo_GPU (float depth) |
virtual | ~Openholo (void)=0 |
| Destructor. More...
bool | checkExtension (const char *fname, const char *ext) |
| Functions for extension checking. More...
bool | loadAsImgUpSideDown (const char *fname, uchar *dst) |
| Function for loading image files | Output image data upside down. More...
bool | getImgSize (int &w, int &h, int &bytesperpixel, const char *fname) |
| Function for getting the image size. More...
void | imgScaleBilinear (uchar *src, uchar *dst, int w, int h, int neww, int newh, int channels=1) |
| Function for change image size. More...
void | convertToFormatGray8 (uchar *src, uchar *dst, int w, int h, int bytesperpixel) |
| Function for convert image format to gray8. More...
void | fft1 (int n, Complex< Real > *in, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE) |
| Functions for performing fftw 1-dimension operations inside Openholo. More...
void | fft2 (ivec2 n, Complex< Real > *in, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE) |
| Functions for performing fftw 2-dimension operations inside Openholo. More...
void | fft3 (ivec3 n, Complex< Real > *in, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE) |
| Functions for performing fftw 3-dimension operations inside Openholo. More...
void | fftExecute (Complex< Real > *out, bool bReverse=false) |
| Execution functions to be called after fft1, fft2, and fft3. More...
void | fftFree (void) |
| Resource release method. More...
void | fftInit2D (ivec2 size, int sign, unsigned int flag) |
| initialize method for 2D FFT More...
void | fft2 (Complex< Real > *src, Complex< Real > *dst, int nx, int ny, int type, bool bNormalized=false, bool bShift=true) |
| Convert data from the spatial domain to the frequency domain using 2D FFT on CPU. More...
void | fftShift (int nx, int ny, Complex< Real > *input, Complex< Real > *output) |
| Swap the top-left quadrant of data with the bottom-right , and the top-right quadrant with the bottom-left. More...
void | setPixelNumberOHC (const ivec2 pixel_number) |
| getter/setter for OHC file read and write More...
void | setPixelPitchOHC (const vec2 pixel_pitch) |
void | setWavelengthOHC (const Real wavelength, const LenUnit wavelength_unit) |
void | setWaveLengthNumOHC (const uint wavelength_num) |
void | setColorTypeOHC (const ColorType color_type) |
void | setColorArrangeOHC (const ColorArran color_arrange) |
void | setWaveLengthUnitOHC (const LenUnit length_unit) |
void | setFieldEncodingOHC (const FldStore field_store, const FldCodeType field_code_type) |
void | setPhaseEncodingOHC (const BPhaseCode phase_code, const vec2 phase_code_range) |
void | addWaveLengthNComplexFieldDataOHC (const Real wavelength, const OphComplexField &complex_field) |
| Function to add ComplexField when adding wavelength data. More...
void | addWaveLengthOHC (const Real wavelength) |
void | addComplexFieldDataOHC (const OphComplexField &complex_field) |
void | getPixelNumberOHC (ivec2 &pixel_number) |
void | getPixelPitchOHC (vec2 &pixel_pitch) |
void | getWavelengthOHC (vector< Real > &wavelength) |
void | getWaveLengthNumOHC (uint &wavelength_num) |
void | getColorTypeOHC (ColorType &color_type) |
void | getColorArrangeOHC (ColorArran &color_arrange) |
void | getWaveLengthUnitOHC (LenUnit &length_unit) |
void | getComplexFieldDataOHC (Complex< Real > **cmplx, uint wavelen_idx) |
void | getComplexFieldDataOHC (OphComplexField &cmplx, uint wavelen_idx) |
virtual | ~Base (void) |
| Destructor. More...