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Open Source Digital Holographic Library
This is the complete list of members for ophTri, including all inherited members.
addComplexFieldDataOHC(const OphComplexField &complex_field) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
addRef(void) | Base | inline |
addWaveLengthNComplexFieldDataOHC(const Real wavelength, const OphComplexField &complex_field) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
addWaveLengthOHC(const Real wavelength) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
Amplitude(Complex< T > *holo, T *encoded, const int size) | ophGen | protected |
AngularSpectrumMethod(Complex< Real > *src, Complex< Real > *dst, Real lambda, Real distance) | ophGen | |
AS | ophGen | protected |
Base(void) | Base | inlineexplicit |
binarization(Complex< Real > *src, Real *dst, const int size, int ENCODE_FLAG, Real threshold) | ophGen | protected |
binary | ophGen | protected |
binaryErrorDiffusion(Complex< Real > *holo, Real *encoded, const ivec2 holosize, const int type, Real threshold) | ophGen | protected |
Burckhardt(Complex< T > *holo, T *encoded, const int size) | ophGen | protected |
checkExtension(const char *fname, const char *ext) | Openholo | protected |
complex_H | Openholo | protected |
context_ | Openholo | protected |
conv_fft2(Complex< Real > *src1, Complex< Real > *src2, Complex< Real > *dst, ivec2 size) | ophGen | |
convertToFormatGray8(uchar *src, uchar *dst, int w, int h, int bytesperpixel) | Openholo | protected |
CorrectionChromaticAberration(uchar *src, uchar *dst, int width, int height, int scaleFactor=2) | ophGen | protected |
DOUBLE enum value | ophGen | |
ED_WType enum name | ophGen | |
ENCODE_AMPLITUDE enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_BURCKHARDT enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_EDBINARY enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_FLAG enum name | ophGen | |
ENCODE_IMAGINARY enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_METHOD | ophGen | protected |
ENCODE_OFFSSB enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_PHASE enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_REAL enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_SIMPLEBINARY enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_SIMPLENI enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_SSB enum value | ophGen | |
ENCODE_TWOPHASE enum value | ophGen | |
encodeSideBand(unsigned int passband) | ophGen | protected |
encodeSideBand_CPU(int cropx1, int cropx2, int cropy1, int cropy2, ivec2 sig_location) | ophGen | protected |
encodeSideBand_GPU(int cropx1, int cropx2, int cropy1, int cropy2, ivec2 sig_location) | ophGen | protected |
encoding(unsigned int ENCODE_FLAG) | ophTri | virtual |
ophGen::encoding(unsigned int ENCODE_FLAG, Complex< Real > *holo, Real *encoded) | ophGen | |
ophGen::encoding() | ophGen | |
ophGen::encoding(unsigned int ENCODE_FLAG, unsigned int SSB_PASSBAND, Complex< Real > *holo=nullptr, Real *encoded=nullptr) | ophGen | virtual |
ophGen::encoding(unsigned int BIN_ENCODE_FLAG, unsigned int ENCODE_FLAG, Real threshold, Complex< Real > *holo=nullptr, Real *encoded=nullptr) | ophGen | |
fft1(int n, Complex< Real > *in, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE) | Openholo | protected |
fft2(ivec2 n, Complex< Real > *in, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE) | Openholo | protected |
fft2(Complex< Real > *src, Complex< Real > *dst, int nx, int ny, int type, bool bNormalized=false, bool bShift=true) | Openholo | protected |
fft3(ivec3 n, Complex< Real > *in, int sign=OPH_FORWARD, uint flag=OPH_ESTIMATE) | Openholo | protected |
fftExecute(Complex< Real > *out, bool bReverse=false) | Openholo | protected |
fftFree(void) | Openholo | protected |
fftInit2D(ivec2 size, int sign, unsigned int flag) | Openholo | protected |
fftShift(int nx, int ny, Complex< Real > *input, Complex< Real > *output) | Openholo | protected |
fftTemp | ophGen | protected |
FLOYD_STEINBERG enum value | ophGen | |
freqShift(Complex< Real > *holo, Complex< Real > *encoded, const ivec2 holosize, int shift_x, int shift_y) | ophGen | protected |
freqW | ophGen | protected |
Fresnel_Diffraction(Point src, Complex< Real > *dst, Real lambda, Real distance, Real amplitude) | ophGen | |
Fresnel_FFT(Complex< Real > *src, Complex< Real > *dst, Real lambda, Real distance) | ophGen | |
fresnelPropagation(Complex< Real > *in, Complex< Real > *out, Real distance, uint channel) | ophGen | |
generateHologram(uint SHADING_FLAG) | ophTri | |
getAngularSpectrum() | ophTri | inline |
getColorArrangeOHC(ColorArran &color_arrange) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
getColorTypeOHC(ColorType &color_type) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
getComplexField(void) | Openholo | inline |
getComplexFieldDataOHC(Complex< Real > **cmplx, uint wavelen_idx) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
getComplexFieldDataOHC(OphComplexField &cmplx, uint wavelen_idx) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
getContext(void) | Openholo | inline |
getElapsedTime() | ophGen | inline |
getEncodedBuffer(void) | ophGen | inline |
getEncodeSize(void) | ophGen | inline |
getFieldLength() | ophGen | inline |
getIllumination(void) | ophTri | inline |
getImageConfig() | Openholo | inline |
getImgSize(int &w, int &h, int &bytesperpixel, const char *fname) | Openholo | protected |
GetMaxMin(Real *src, int len, Real &max, Real &min) | ophGen | protected |
getMaxThreadNum() | Openholo | |
getMeshData() | ophTri | inline |
GetMode() | ophGen | inline |
getNormalizedBuffer(void) | ophGen | inline |
getNumMesh() | ophTri | inline |
getObjShift(void) | ophTri | inline |
getObjSize(void) | ophTri | inline |
getPixelNumberOHC(ivec2 &pixel_number) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
getPixelPitchOHC(vec2 &pixel_pitch) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
getPrecision() | ophGen | inline |
getProgress() | ophTri | inline |
GetRandomPhase() | ophGen | inline |
GetRandomPhaseValue(Complex< Real > &rand_phase_val, bool rand_phase) | ophGen | protected |
getScaledMeshData() | ophTri | inline |
getShiftPhaseValue(Complex< Real > &shift_phase_val, int idx, ivec2 sig_location) | ophGen | protected |
getStream() | ophGen | inline |
getWaveLengthNumOHC(uint &wavelength_num) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
getWavelengthOHC(vector< Real > &wavelength) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
getWaveLengthUnitOHC(LenUnit &length_unit) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
getWeightED(const ivec2 holosize, const int type, ivec2 *pNw) | ophGen | protected |
ImaginaryPart(Complex< T > *holo, T *encoded, const int size) | ophGen | protected |
imgCfg | Openholo | protected |
imgScaleBilinear(uchar *src, uchar *dst, int w, int h, int neww, int newh, int channels=1) | Openholo | protected |
initialize(void) | ophGen | |
ITERATIVE_DESIGN enum value | ophGen | |
load(const char *fname) | ophGen | |
loadAsImg(const char *fname) | Openholo | virtual |
loadAsImgUpSideDown(const char *fname, uchar *dst) | Openholo | protected |
loadAsOhc(const char *fname) | ophGen | virtual |
loadMeshData(const char *fileName, const char *ext) | ophTri | |
loadPointCloud(const char *pc_file, OphPointCloudData *pc_data_) | ophGen | |
loadTexturePattern(const char *fileName, const char *ext) | ophTri | |
m_bRandomPhase | ophGen | protected |
m_dFieldLength | ophGen | protected |
m_elapsedTime | ophGen | protected |
m_lpEncoded | ophGen | protected |
m_lpNormalized | ophGen | protected |
m_mode | ophGen | protected |
m_nStream | ophGen | protected |
m_vecEncodeSize | ophGen | protected |
maskHP | ophGen | protected |
maskSSB | ophGen | protected |
mergeColor(int idx, int width, int height, uchar *src, uchar *dst) | Openholo | |
normalize(void) | ophGen | |
normalized | ophGen | protected |
OHC_decoder | Openholo | protected |
OHC_encoder | Openholo | protected |
Openholo(void) | Openholo | explicit |
ophFree(void) | ophGen | protectedvirtual |
ophGen(void) | ophGen | explicit |
ophTri(void) | ophTri | explicit |
Phase(Complex< T > *holo, T *encoded, const int size) | ophGen | protected |
PRECISION enum name | ophGen | |
readConfig(const char *fname) | ophTri | |
realEnc | ophGen | protected |
RealPart(Complex< T > *holo, T *encoded, const int size) | ophGen | protected |
reconTest(const char *fname) | ophTri | |
refCnt | Base | protected |
release(void) | Base | inline |
resCfg | Openholo | protected |
resetBuffer() | ophGen | protected |
RS_Diffraction(Point src, Complex< Real > *dst, Real lambda, Real distance, Real amplitude) | ophGen | |
save(const char *fname, uint8_t bitsperpixel=8, uchar *src=nullptr, uint px=0, uint py=0) | ophGen | |
save(const char *fname, uint8_t bitsperpixel, uint px, uint py, uint fnum, uchar *args ...) | ophGen | protected |
saveAsImg(const char *fname, uint8_t bitsperpixel, uchar *src, int width, int height) | Openholo | virtual |
saveAsOhc(const char *fname) | Openholo | virtual |
saveRefImages(char *fnameW, char *fnameWC, char *fnameAS, char *fnameSSB, char *fnameHP, char *fnameFreq, char *fnameReal, char *fnameBin, char *fnameReconBin, char *fnameReconErr, char *fnameReconNo) | ophGen | |
ScaleChange(Real *src, Real *dst, int nSize, Real scaleX, Real scaleY, Real scaleZ) | ophGen | protected |
separateColor(int idx, int width, int height, uchar *src, uchar *dst) | Openholo | |
setCarrierWave(Real in1, Real in2, Real in3) | ophTri | inline |
setColorArrangeOHC(const ColorArran color_arrange) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
setColorTypeOHC(const ColorType color_type) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
setEncodeMethod(unsigned int ENCODE_FLAG) | ophGen | inline |
setFieldEncodingOHC(const FldStore field_store, const FldCodeType field_code_type) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
setIllumination(vec3 in) | ophTri | inline |
setIllumination(Real inx, Real iny, Real inz) | ophTri | inline |
setImageFlip(int flip) | Openholo | inline |
setImageMerge(bool merge) | Openholo | inline |
setImageRotate(bool rotate) | Openholo | inline |
setMaxThreadNum(int num) | Openholo | |
SetMode(unsigned int mode) | ophGen | inline |
setObjShift(vec3 in) | ophTri | inline |
setObjSize(vec3 in) | ophTri | inline |
setOcclusion(bool in) | ophTri | inline |
setOffset(ivec2 offset) | Openholo | inline |
setPhaseEncodingOHC(const BPhaseCode phase_code, const vec2 phase_code_range) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
setPixelNumber(ivec2 n) | Openholo | inline |
setPixelNumber(int width, int height) | Openholo | inline |
setPixelNumberOHC(const ivec2 pixel_number) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
setPixelPitch(vec2 p) | Openholo | inline |
setPixelPitch(Real pitchX, Real pitchY) | Openholo | inline |
setPixelPitchOHC(const vec2 pixel_pitch) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
setPrecision(uint precision) | ophGen | inline |
SetRandomPhase(bool bRandomPhase) | ophGen | inline |
setRandPhase(bool in) | ophTri | inline |
setResolution(ivec2 resolution) | ophGen | |
setShadingType(int in) | ophTri | inline |
setTextureImgDim(int dim1, int dim2) | ophTri | inline |
setTextureMapping(bool in) | ophTri | inline |
setTexturePeriod(Real in) | ophTri | inline |
setViewingWindow(bool is_ViewingWindow) | ophTri | |
setWaveLength(Real w, const uint idx=0) | Openholo | inline |
setWaveLengthNumOHC(const uint wavelength_num) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
setWavelengthOHC(const Real wavelength, const LenUnit wavelength_unit) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
setWaveLengthUnitOHC(const LenUnit length_unit) | Openholo | inlineprotected |
setWaveNum(int num) | Openholo | |
SHADING_CONTINUOUS enum value | ophTri | |
SHADING_FLAG enum name | ophTri | |
SHADING_FLAT enum value | ophTri | |
Shift(Real x, Real y) | ophGen | |
shiftW(ivec2 holosize) | ophGen | protected |
SimpleNI(Complex< T > *holo, T *encoded, const int size) | ophGen | protected |
SINGLE enum value | ophGen | |
SINGLE_DOWN enum value | ophGen | |
SINGLE_RIGHT enum value | ophGen | |
singleSideBand(Complex< Real > *holo, Real *encoded, const ivec2 holosize, int passband) | ophGen | protected |
SSB_BOTTOM enum value | ophGen | |
SSB_LEFT enum value | ophGen | |
SSB_PASSBAND enum name | ophGen | |
SSB_PASSBAND | ophGen | protected |
SSB_RIGHT enum value | ophGen | |
SSB_TOP enum value | ophGen | |
transVW(int nVertex, Vertex *dst, Vertex *src) | ophGen | |
transVW(int nVertex, Real *dst, Real *src) | ophGen | |
triTimeMultiplexing(char *dirName, uint ENCODE_METHOD, Real cenFx, Real cenFy, Real rangeFx, Real rangeFy, Real stepFx, Real stepFy) | ophTri | |
TwoPhase(Complex< T > *holo, T *encoded, const int size) | ophGen | protected |
waveCarry(Real carryingAngleX, Real carryingAngleY, Real distance) | ophGen | |
waveCarry(Complex< Real > *src, Complex< Real > *dst, Real wavelength, int carryIdxX, int carryIdxY) | ophGen | |
weight | ophGen | protected |
weightC | ophGen | protected |
~Base(void) | Base | inlineprotectedvirtual |
~Openholo(void)=0 | Openholo | protectedpure virtual |
~ophGen(void)=0 | ophGen | protectedpure virtual |
~ophTri(void) | ophTri | inlineprotectedvirtual |